New Welcome Entrance for Church
New Welcome Entrance for Church

If you've been visiting Bethesda for a while, you'll hopefully notice a difference to the church when you next return.

Thanks to the faithful giving of our church family, the building now has a number of new windows, doors and a more welcoming front entrance.

This is just the first step in converting what was once a carpet warehouse, on a Brampton industrial estate, into a new church home.

If you'd like to support our work here in Brampton, or give towards the building work that still needs to be done, including a new worship area, toilets and an area for fellowship then you can do so here:

First step of our building work completed.

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Exploring Easter
Church Weekend Away
Easter Day 2023
Holiday Club Nearly Here

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Carol Service at Bethesda 2022
Exploring Easter
Church Weekend Away
Easter Day 2023





Registered Charity No: 1149548

Safeguarding: All people matter to God, and so they matter to us. The church is a member of the independent safeguarding charity Thirtyone:eight and follows a comprehensive safeguarding policy that is reviewed annually by the trustees.

The leaders of our youth and children’s groups hold current government Disclosure and Barring Service certificates and receive regular training. If you would like to read our Safeguarding policy, please contact us.